Statutory obligations, employment matters and compliance issues can distract Boards of Trustees, Principals and teachers from their core role as educators, consuming teaching time and time with students and the school community. Early intervention is key to managing a problematic situation before it escalates. We provide practical solutions and legal advice to support educators or members of the school community to resolve any of a myriad of disputes that may strike at any time. We specialise in early intervention strategies and alternative dispute resolution. When that is not possible our team has expertise in:
- Disciplinary issues and employment disputes
- Employment law issues and employment relationship problems
- Statutory and Regulatory compliance, including responsibilities and obligations under the Education and Training Act, Health and Safety at Work Act,
- Employment Relations Act
- Regulations and Our Code/Our Standards
- Mandatory reports
- Governance and Management
- Internal and external workplace investigations
- Parent concerns and complaints
- Official Information Act and Privacy Act requests
- Ombudsman Act complaints
- Policy and Procedures
- Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions
- Medical capacity issues including mental health issues affecting staff and students
- Health and disability
- Facilitation, negotiation and mediation assistance
Ahakoa iti he iti māpihi pounamu
There is a singular beauty and immense value in the tiniest piece of pounamo
Hear from our happy clients
The appointed board of the two specialist residential schools, Halswell Residential College in Christchurch and Westbridge Residential School in Auckland, has on several occasions required the services of Trollope and Co for advice and support on various issues, including employment matters and issues of an historical nature. The advice received from Heather has always been provided in a manner and format understandable to lay people. Most importantly it has provided the board with assurance around its actions. This advice has always reflected Heather's wisdom and common sense approach to the law. It is without hesitation or reservation that I recommend Trollope and Co to any school requiring legal assistance,
Dave Turnbull
Board Chair
So reassuring to have someone of your calibre [Heather] and experience (and sense of humour) on board with us.
Glen McKenzie
St Albans School